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So far Planinski Muzej has created 664 blog entries.

Poletne planinske ustvarjalnice 2020

SUMMER WORKSHOPS! Every Saturday from July 4th to August 29th! Saturdays are day of creativity, fun and meeting new friends at the Slovenian Alpine Museum! Workshops are suitable for adults and children (children under 7 should be accompanied by a guardian). The hiking trips require hiking gear. The admission price covers materials and a [...]

Poletne planinske ustvarjalnice 20202020-06-26T13:35:15+00:00

Marjan Keršič – Belač, sculpturer, alpinist and mountain rescuer

We kindly invite you to experience a new temporary exhibition Marjan Keršič – Belač, sculpturer, alpinist and mountain rescuer Authors: Jožica Šparovec, The national museum of contemporary history, and Marjeta Keršič Svetel The exhibition was created to celebrate the hundred years since his birth. Virtualni [...]

Marjan Keršič – Belač, sculpturer, alpinist and mountain rescuer2020-06-26T10:07:28+00:00

Information for museum visitors

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health Slovenian alpine museum is following the recommended measures: the museum remains open to individual visitors and small groups (up to 25 people), all planed events and exhibition openings are canceled until further instructions. Thank you for your understanding.

Information for museum visitors2020-03-13T13:40:39+00:00

Incredible Mountains – supplement of the permanent exhibition

Back to the mountain paradise ≠ Instant mountain paradise How do we perceive mountains today? Are we eager to return to the mountain paradise of the past or do we rush into an instant mountain paradise? The exhibition highlights both approaches. Modern advances and time savings, which have found their way into the mountains, may easily [...]

Incredible Mountains – supplement of the permanent exhibition2019-08-09T14:36:20+00:00
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